sobota 2. novembra 2013

5. Samdhong Rinpoče Lobsang Tenzin príde posvätiť (rabne) stúpu Wangdenlingu dňa 22.11. v čase od 13-15 h. Kto má záujem sa môže zúčastnitť. 

štvrtok 3. októbra 2013

Milí priatelia, cez víkend 25.-27.10. bude prebiehať stavba stúpy vo Wangdenlingu v Bošáci do jej záverečnej podoby.  Odborné vedenie stavby bude robiť tibeťan Migmar z centra Merigar v Taliansku, ktorý je vzdialený príbuzný Čhogjal Namkhai Norbua. 

Počas víkendu sa bude stúpa plniť relikviami, ca-cami a ostatným obsahom stúpy. Popri tom sa bude robiť intenzívna celodenná ganapúdža a iné mantry a praxe podľa vedenia Migmara. Každý kdo má záujem je pozvaný, či už pomáhať napr. pri varení, alebo stavaní, alebo plnení stúpy alebo na spoločnej praxi, nielen z komunity dzogčhenu ale aj akejkoľvek inej tradície. 

Migmar príde do lingu už v stredu 23.10. takže kdo má čas a volno, môže prísť pomôcť. Každý bude mať zadarmo jedlo a skromné ubytovanie v lingu. Je možné prísť hoci aj na pár hodín a pripojiť sa k tejto akcii, ktorej cieľom je, aby sa buddhistická stúpa úspešne postavila a priniesla úžitok a mier celej krajine a všetkým bytostiam. 

pre bližšie info prosím volajte 0904 845451 Lubo M alebo 0948226637 LCh
pekný deň 

utorok 30. júla 2013

Miesto na stúpu na lúke / Place for future stupa on the meadow

Proporcie stúpy / Proportion of stupa

everybody is welcome to join and participate / každý je vítaný sa zúčastniť
we are starting August and go on since then / začíname 1.8. a pokračujeme až do

A quote from His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse, Rinpoche:

"Stupa is called a dharmakaya stupa. Within it, the guru dwells unchanging. The Buddha said that whoever sees a dharmakaya stupa will be liberated by the sight of it. Feeling the breeze nearby the stupa liberates one by its touch. The sound of the tinkling of the small bells hanging on the stupa liberates one by their sound. having thus seen or experienced this stupa, by thinking of one's experience of it, one is liberated through recollection."

"The stupa that enshrines the teacher's physical remains is at once a reminder of the teacher and the embodiment of the pure and all-pervasive aspect of the awakened state. As His HolinessDilgo Khyentse Rinpoche has said: "When a great being passes away, his body is no more. But to indicate that his mind is dwelling forever in an unchanging way in the dharmakaya, one will erect a stup as a symbol of the mind of the budhhas."
As the Buddhist teachings point out, every element of a buddha's physical body is pervaded with enlightenment. Thus, even after cremation, the teacher's remains are considered sacred, because they are the distilled essence of his or her physical form and are therefore themselves the embodiment of enlightenment. Because it enshrines these relics, the stupa is powerful.
It is said that in venerating the stupa, one can "meet" the teacher. The visual impact of the stupa on the observer brings a direct experience of inherent wakefulness and dignity. Stupas continue to be built because of their ability to liberate from confusion simply upon seeing their structure.
The shape of the stupa represents the Buddha, crowned and sitting in meditation posture on a lion throne. His crown is the top of the spire; his head is the square at the spire's base; his body is the vase shape; his legs are the four steps of the lower terrace; and the base is his throne.

The stupa also symbolizes the five elements and their relationship to enlightened mind. These are the essential attributes of a fully realised human being: the base of the stupa signifies earth and equanimity; the dome, water and indestructibility; the spire, fire and compassion; above the spire, wind and all-accomplishing action; and at the very top, the jewel represents space and all-pervading awareness. The stupa is a mandala.

piatok 21. júna 2013

As stated in Mahaparinirvanna sutra (Pali version):  "And why, Ananda, is a Tathagata, an Arahat, a Fully Enlightened One worthy of a stupa? Because, Ananda, at the thought: 'This is the stupa of that Blessed One, Arahant, Fully Enlightened One!' the hearts of many people will be calmed and made happy; and so calmed and with their minds established in faith therein, at the breaking up of the body, after death, they will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness. And so also at the thought: 'This is the stupa of that Pratyekabuddha!' or 'This is the stupa of a disciple of that Tathagata, Arahat, Fully Enlightened One!' or 'This is the stupa of that righteous monarch who ruled according to Dharma!' — the hearts of many people are calmed and made happy; and so calmed and with their minds established in faith therein, at the breaking up of the body, after death, they will be reborn in a realm of heavenly happiness. And it is because of this, Ananda, that these four persons are worthy of a stupa."
A stupa promotes peace and harmony by purifying and subduing negative forces. In the Buddhist tradition, it is believed that the construction of stupas, with the sacred vases and other precious materials and relics placed within them, has the power to restore the earth’s energies and to help balance the elements. In this way, the construction of stupas helps to prevent natural disasters, wars, famine, and diseases and they help to balance the natural forces that promote health, prosperity and well being.It is said that developing a positive attitude and praying for the peace and happiness of all sentient beings in the presence of such a sacred object can help to extend one's life and to pacify sickness.
Visiting and venerating stupas, e.g. by circumambulating them in a clockwise direction, also ripens one's potential to attain enlightenment. They create a peaceful environment and inspire well-being and joy for the whole region in which they are built.

Stupa in Wangdenling will have the following content:
A.    Sacred objects, relics and substances:

1.      A vase with relics and blessed substances given by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
2.     Shariputra ringsel. Given by Ven. Dhammadipa. Original tiny ringsel is from Burma
3.     A hair of Guru Padmasabhava. Given by Karma Lhundrup Rinpoche. He was offered it by pilgrims from Tibet, who withdrew it from an unkown stupa in Tibet, destroyed by Chinese.
4.     Relics of Body-Voice-Mind – relics given by Office of H.H.Dalai Lama, Namgyal temple, Dharamsala, McLeod Ganj, India
5.     Buddhas robe. A robe given by Bhikhu Chalinda, Chief monk of Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, India,  Mahabodhi Society of India. A robe blessed by being wraped around  and worn by the most holy Buddhas statue inside Mahabodhi temple in Bodhgaya.
6.     Leaves from the holy Bodhi Tree and chanting text from the above mentioned temple.
7.     A piece of Mahasiddhas Thagtong Gyalpos cloth (14th century). Given by Karma Lhundrup Rinpoche. So are all following relics:
8.     Clay pills from Thangtong Gyalpos flesh.
9.     Mahasiddhas Thangtong Gyalpo (14th ce) hair and piece of bone.
10.  10th Panchen Lamas Tenpe Wangchuks cloth piece from Tibet
11.  Late H.H. Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoches hair
12.  Om mani padme hum 1 billion Pills from H.H. 14th Dalai Lama
13.  5 pills containing thousands of relics of Buddhas and Tibetan masters of 4 schools of Tibetan buddhism.
14.  H.H.Sakya Trizins hair (head of the Sakya School of Tibetan buddhism)
15.  H.H.Taklung Tsetruls hair (head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan buddhism)
16.  H.H.Trulshik Rinpoches hair (previous head of the Nyingma School of Tibetan buddhism)
17.  Tulku Urgyen Rinpoches piece of bone
18.  Shugseb Jetsunma Rinpoches hair (great 19.century woman master)
19.  Kalachakra sand by H.H.Dalai Lamas from Graz 2002 and Amaravati 2006
20.  Relics, stones, and piece of land from holy places: Bodhgaya and Nairanjana river, Samye Chinphu, many sacred places in Tibet.
21.  Tibetan association Slovakia /  is giving following relics
  Jowo Buddha mani rilbu (Jokhang Temple, Lhasa)
  Dorje Chang tsa-tsa, Potala Palace
  A piece of Potala Palace rock, Lhasa, Tibet
  Protective wheat from Nechung
  A piece of cloth from Atisha’s Tara, Drolma Lakhang, Tibet
  A photo of Atisha’s Tara, Drolma Lakhang, Tibet
  Tara tsa-tsa, Lhasa (monastery unknown)
  Tsa-tsa from Mindroling Monastery, Nyingma, Tibet
  Tsa-tsa from Tama Village (near Lhasa), Kagyu Gompa near Songtsen Gampo’s birthplace
  Sand from Manasarovar, Tibet
  Stone from Drolmala Pass, Kailash
  White relic from Ngari Hot Springs near Kailash
  Yamataka tsa-tsa, southern Tibet
  Stone from Vulture Peak, India
  Prajnaparamita text, India
  Stone from Bodhgaya Temple
  Early statue of Avalokiteshvara, Gandhara Art, Afghanistan or India, 3rd to 6th century
  Buddha image, Pakistan, 5cm, 3rd century
  Buddha image, Bactria (Bactria was between Afghanistan and Pakistan), 3cm, 3rd century
  Boddhisattva seated on Lotus, Nepal, 8-9th century
B. Texts: 1, Canonical texts:
A.     Complete Pali buddhist Canon, Tipitaka in 57 volumes
B.     Complete Chinese Canon: Mahayna Tripitaka in 87 volumes
C.    Tibetan Canon:
1.     Kangjur and Tengjur: Kangjur: Translation of the Word of the Buddha; 98 Volumes.
  1. Vinaya: 13 Volumes.
  2. Prajnaparamita: 21 Volumes.
  3. Avatamsaka: 6 Volumes.
  4. Ratnakuta: 6 Volumes.
  5. Sutra: 30 Volumes. 270 texts, 75% of which are Mahayana, 25% Hinayana
  6. Tantra: 22 Volumes. Contains more than 300 texts.
 (b) Tengjur: Translations of the Teachings 224 Volumes
A. Sutras ("Hymns of Praise"): 1 Volume; 64 texts.
B. Commentaries on the Tantras: 86 Volumes; 3055 texts.
C. Commentaries on Sutras; 137 Volumes; 567 texts.
  1. Prajnaparamita Commentaries, 16 Volumes.
  2. Madhyamika Treatises, 29 Volumes.
  3. Yogacara Treatises, 29 Volumes.
  4. Abhidharma, 8 Volumes.
  5. Miscellaneous Texts, 4 Volumes.
  6. Vinaya Commentaries, 16 Volumes.
  7. Tales and Dramas, 4 Volumes.
  8. Technical Treatises, 43 Volumes.
D.    Nyingma kama. Oral transmission of the Nyingma Tradition in 120 volumes
E.     Nyingma gyübum. One hundred thousand tantras of the Nyingma Tradition in 46 volumes
F.     Nyingthig yazhi. Four branches of Heart essence dzogchen upadesha teachings in 13 volumes.
G.    Longchen Dzödün. Longchenpas seven treasuries.
H.     Dam ngak dzö. Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoches Treasury of pith instructions
2. Treasure teachings
A.) Chögyal Namkhai Norbu: Longchen ösal khandrö nyingthig. Collection of Rinpoches Longsal teachings will be donated by Migmar.
B.) Rinchen terdzö. Collection of Tibets collected terma teachings by Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, in 111 volumes.
C.) Gyü zhi. The four medical tantras revealed as terma by Dragpa Ngöshe and hidden by Yuthogpa, in 4 volumes.
3. Dzogchen Community practice texts. Thun books, guardian practices, explanation and practice booklets.
4. Representations 
a, statue of Buddha Shakyamuni
b, statue of Guru Padmasambhava
c, tsa-tsa of Guru Padmasambhava, tsa-tsa of stupa
According to indications of Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, the work will start on 1st July 2013. Preparations such us cutting tree of life (sogzhin) we did last year and this year we have started to coordinate project, collect necessary substances, relics, texts, making tsa tsas. If there will be best auspicious circumstances, we will manage to build the stupa early autumn of this Year. If not the late autumn or in any case next year. We are going to collaborate with other buddhist groups in preparatory weekend workshops such as preparation of several hundreds of tsa tsas. For consecration we have invited Chogyal Namkhai Norbu. In case he will not be able to come, then it is possible H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, head of the Nyingma school will come and consecrate both gonpa and stupa in Wangdenling in autumn this year. Regarding the process of constructions we communicate mainly with Rinpoche, then Giovanni Boni, Migmar, Artem and Natasha from Izhevsk, Russia and ME East.
stupa main supervisor:  Migmar Tsering, Merigar, Italy
stupa main sponsor: Marek Riesz, Bratislava, Slovakia
project coordinators: Marek Guga and Lukas Chmelik, Slovakia
architects project: Giovanni Boni, Italy and Merek Guga, Slovakia
Slovak architect in charge: Marek Guga, Slovakia
Donors of relics: Chogyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, Merigar, Italy. Ven.Dhammadipa (Thomas Peter Gutmann), Czech Rep., Ngagpa Karma Lhundrup Rinpoche, Dharamsala, India, Tibetan association Slovakia / Lubomir Ondrus, Slovakia, Bratislava, etc.
For more info please have a look:

pondelok 25. marca 2013

What is a stupa ?

A stupa promotes peace and harmony by purifying and subduing negative forces. In the Buddhist tradition, it is believed that the construction of stupas, with the sacred vases and other precious materials and relics placed within them, has the power to restore the earth’s energies and to help balance the elements. In this way, the construction of stupas helps to prevent natural disasters, wars, famine, and diseases and they help to balance the natural forces that promote health, prosperity and well being.It is said that developing a positive attitude and praying for the peace and happiness of all sentient beings in the presence of such a sacred object can help to extend one's life and to pacify sickness.
Visiting and venerating stupas, e.g. by circumambulating them in a clockwise direction, also ripens one's potential to attain enlightenment. They create a peaceful environment and inspire well-being and joy for the whole region in which they are built.

sobota 22. decembra 2012

Milí priatelia, vďaka úsiliu ctihodného Dhammadípu sa nám podarilo vyzbierať približne 800 euro na stúpu. Ale ako sa mení počasie - raz je pekne a raz je škaredo - tak sa mení aj šťastie človeka v rôznych aktivitách. A tak aj projekt stúpy je závislý na dána čiže štedrosti ľudí a na punja alebo našich zásluhách. Bez dána a punjá nie je možné, aby sa projekt stúpy niekedy uskutočnil. Podmienkami a okolnosťami je snaha a úsilie mnohých ľudí - veríme, že toto úsilie bude vytrvalé a sústredené správnym smerom, aby sa projekt podarilo dovŕšiť pre dobro, úžitok a šťastie všetkých bytostí a pre šírenie Buddhovej dharmy.
Ja osobne som oslovil hlavných potenciálnych sponozorov L.M. a A.K. z Prahy, a taktiež Ctihodný Dhammadípa osobne požiadal určitých ekonomických predstaviteľov ázijských krajín. Takisto som požiadal hlavného mnícha v chrámu v Bódhagaji Mahábodhi, Bhikhi Chalindu, o relikvie. Povedal, že by daroval významné relikvie, ale má ich v kláštore v Thajsku. Informovali sme aj úrad J.S.Dalailamu a požiadali sme o ich pomoc a požehnanie a oslovený bol aj J.S.Karmapa. Čhogjal Namkhai Norbu už dal vázičku aj svoje požehnanie. Máme relikvie z najposvätnejších miest Indie a Tibetu, ak aj posvätné texty Tripitaky a súrie sútier a tantier starých a nových prekladov (tib. ňingma a sarma). Hlavným problémom je nedostatok prostriedkov na uskutočnenie projektu.
Veríme, že v nasledujúcom roku 2013 nakoniec uspejeme a stúpa bude stáť a prinesie mier, pokoj, prosperitu a šťastie všetkým. Úžitok nie je nasmerovaný len malej skupine ľudí, buddhistov, ale všetkým, dévom, nágom, prétom a predovšetkým ľuďom žijúcim na Slovensku a v Čechách. Ako prvá stúpa v Československu, veríme, že pomôže šíreniu Buddhovej dharmy všetkých tradícií, théravády, mahájány, zenu i tibetského buddhizmu.
Ak by ste niekto chceli projekt podporiť, č.účtu je 1108028974/8410 správa pre príjemncu: stúpa
Díky, s pozdravom, LCH, koordinátor projektu stúpy,